Get ready for CUB SCOUTS Live!
We realize that online meeting fatigue is a very real thing, particularly for Cub Scouts who are experiencing long days of virtual school instruction. Our goal is not to add to the day-to-day virtual avalanche. CUB SCOUTS Live! will offer some virtual activities, but our goal is to provide activities in other ways, and to evolve our program delivery model as the COVID-19 situation changes.
The CUB SCOUTS Live! Pack will hold Pack meetings virtually. This is a result of not just COVID-19 but also because we will be serving Cub Scouts Council-wide, from Cape May up to Burlington County. Where CUB SCOUTS Live! will be different is in the rest of the programs.
We will not hold typical Den Meetings. Instead, Dens will be issued challenges! Some challenges may be virtual, and some may be real world; some may be achievable in small groups or family units, and some may be wide area events. We will even have challenges with Quests in both Minecraft® and Pokemon Go®.
We also plan to have virtual visits with museums, police stations and fire departments. For our WEBELOS, we will offer virtual visits with Scouts BSA Troops, so the scouts can interact via live guides online.
And of course, we will have community service projects, and provide the opportunity for Cub Scouts to earn their religious or NOVA awards.
As COVID-19 gets beat into the ground later in the year, we hope to offer safe events like bb guns, archery, fishing, and Family Campfires at our Council camps.
The overall structure of the calendar will include at least 1 Pack meeting, 1 Virtual Challenge, 1 Real World Challenge, and 1 Community Service Challenge each month.
The key words for the CUB SCOUTS Live! Pack will be SAFETY and FLEXIBILITY to provide the best possible and safest program to you Cub Scouts.
This will be a temporary program of about 6 months; everything is always going to be subject to change as the situation in our communities changes – we hope for the better.
Though our daylight hours will stay short for a few more months, remember (to paraphrase Albert Einstein) ‘darkness is only the absence of light’, and we hope that CUB SCOUTS Live! will provide some extra light in the months ahead.
How to Join
Stay tuned for details, links, and more! The button below will let you email the organizers if you have questions or would like information about volunteering to support this new initiative!